What We Do
Why Small Balance Loans?
Less Competition
The size of the loans and loan portfolios we pursue are small and typically overlooked by larger managers. These opportunities are less likely to attract alternative financing solutions compared to the larger loan market.
We are spreading our investments over a broad portfolio of underlying loans. A negative outcome on any single loan has limited impact on the total portfolio.
Persistent Opportunity Set
Small balance loans are held by many investor types and ‘trade-hands’ for a multitude of reasons that can, but need not be, tied to a broader credit event.
Catalyst in Place
The small balance loans we pursue often have a default or are troubled in some way, which is the catalyst necessary to effect our right as creditors.
Shorter Duration
Short duration of smaller balance loans results in a more cash generative return profile and downside protection.
Own the Capital Structure
Given the size of the loans, we are typically the only creditor which accelerates negotiation with the borrower and ultimate monetization.
Massive Market
We estimate the US loan market to be between $15-20 trillion in size.
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We provide flexible capital solutions across a broad spectrum of sectors. Interested in specific terms for Commercial and Industrial, Commercial Real Estate and Secured/Unsecured Consumer Loan Types?